miércoles, mayo 03, 2017

This is how FEDORA was in Nicaragua's Costa Caribe FLISOL 2017

FLISOL is an event celebrated every year with the purpose of promoting the use of Free software. This year, thanks to the sponsorship to the Fedora Project, we could support the Bilwi's Free Sofware Community, a young community with a lot of energy and desire of encouraging the use of free technologies in the North Caribe of Nicaragua.

FISOL 2017 Bilwi     (View Spanish Version)

The event was well published and having Fedora Community participating created expectation, curiosity and interest, so that it was announced with weeks of anticipation, mainly the topic about ROBOTICA.

In the morning of April 22nd we started the activities at the Bilwi's University URACCAN. A hot morning, but full of expectations for everyone.

After the opening speech and introductions, the local team participated with various topics including a video chat about PostgreSQL.

From the Fedora Community, the first expositor was the now well known Ambassador of Fedora Eduardo Mayorga T. He explained what is new in Fedora and why it is useful for everybody of us.

After that there were more prensentations, OpenStreet Map among them.

Then, OmarBerroterán (FAS: LKF), explaining how to use Fedora to manage multimedia content at home: how to connect, share and enjoy the music, videos, movies, games, etc.

The event concluded with the presentation of Katherine Fernandez about Robotic with ICARO.

After each presentation, there were trivias and raffles of swags, T-shirts, stickers and some flash drives donated by Neville.



It was a success, to me: it arouse great interest, more than a hundred of attendants. This was the first time they heard about the Linux world to many of them. To others, this was the first contact with Fedora. Robotic was the main topic. Seven installations of FEDORA were made in the place, with participants who took note on how to do it them self. 30 DVDs of Fedora were distributed, including Workstation and the Spin of MATE.

The best of all was to create a link of communication between these two communities separated by a long distance, but united by a single ideal. This communication is important to make future proyects becoming a reality, such as helping them with support to install FEDORA. Some of them expressed their intention of being part of the project.

Photo by: Leticia Wood de fedora-ni.

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